Alaska Packing Essentials

Are you planning a vacation to Alaska?  Yay for you, you're in for a treat! Alaska is known for its stunning scenery, active adventures, and unique wildlife. However, because of its remote location and unpredictable weather, it's important to plan ahead and pack the right gear to ensure you have the trip of your dreams. Here are some “MUST HAVE” items that we recommend you pick up before you depart on your Alaskan adventure so you don’t have to waste a minute in the Greatland. 

  1. Eye Covers- Alaska is known for long summer days, which means the sun may be up for 20 hours or more during your visit. Eye covers or sleep masks can be a lifesaver, actually a sleep saver, when trying to sleep in a tent, RV or in accommodations without quality blackout curtains.  Save yourself an argument and buy a different pattern for everyone in your party. ;)

  2. Bug Spray and Mosquito Head Net - Mosquitoes can be fierce in Alaska, especially if you plan to get out on the trails or into the back-country.  Airlines do not allow you to fly with aerosol cans so we recommend bringing pump spray or handy wipe type repellents.  Head nets are especially useful against black flies, which are typically thick and annoying near fresh or brackish water. If you are fishing, kayaking or camping in the interior of Alaska, this could well be your best investment. If you have your own hat, I like these simple head nets. If you want an all-in-one hat/net combo, these are the best. Take it from us, you will be the envy of all your companions when the bugs are swarming and you pull one of these cheap sanity-savers from your backpack. If you’re camping or RVing this little bug zapper is fun and a great way to keep the door area clear. Last but not least, a Thermacell on your picnic table will keep the bugs out of your space, we have at least five of these babies. You CAN’T fly with the butane canisters, so you might as well pick this item up locally.

  3. Binoculars - Alaska is home to a variety of unique wildlife, including moose, bears, eagles, and whales. Some tours will include binoculars, but you often have to share, which means you miss out on the action all together. Don’t end up hating on your travel companions! Bring a small, quality pair of binoculars and guarantee that you don’t miss your chance.

  4. Small Battery Operated Fan - If you're traveling during the summer, temperatures can reach the 70’s, 80’s, and even 90’s, in some parts of Alaska. Many accommodations do not have air conditioning and in some cases windows that do not fully open. Hello Alyeska Resort… a hot property in more than one sense of the word!!!  A personal battery-operated fan can help keep you cool and comfortable.

  5. Hand Sanitizer and Travel Toilet Paper - When exploring the great outdoors, it's important to have hand sanitizer and toilet paper on hand. You never know when you'll need to use a public restroom, find yourself at a (GASP) outhouse or an emergency ‘side of the road’ situation.  Alaska public restrooms are notorious for being out of TP! Dripping dry is not the kind of Alaska memory you want to be making.

  6. Hiking Poles, Rain Coat, and Hiking Shoes - Alaska's terrain can be rugged and unpredictable. Hiking poles can help you navigate rocky trails and also help to prod your hiking partners along when they are falling behind. If you are planning on spending a lot of time outdoors a raincoat is a must but, if you just have a couple of tours where you may need a little extra protection, consider a rain poncho.  Yes, you will be announcing to the world “I’m a tourist!”  but hey, you’ll never see these people again.  Comfortable shoes for all your adventures are a must, make sure you break them in before you get here.

  7. Bear Bell - If you plan on hiking or spending time in bear country, bear spray is the best but you CAN’T fly with it. A simple bear bell strapped to your belt or backpack lets the wildlife know you are there and ready to be eaten! Just kidding, warning the wildlife of your presence is the key to staying safe in the wilds, or even on urban trails.

  8. Milepost - The Milepost is a comprehensive guidebook for Alaska and the Yukon Territory, with detailed information on road conditions, campgrounds, and attractions. It's a must-have for anyone planning a road trip through Alaska. It’s a bit confusing to use, maybe I’ll make a video about that, but in the meantime, if you're smart enough to have booked a ticket to Alaska, I’m sure you will figure it out.  I suggest getting some sticky notes or file tabs to mark your route.  Then, be like me and annoy your car mates, by giving them a mile-by-mile tour of pullouts and side roads.

  9. Beanie, Ball Cap, and Thin Gloves - Alaska's weather can be unpredictable, even during the summer. Be prepared for cooler temperatures, especially if you are traveling in May or September, doing a wildlife and/or glacier cruise, flight-seeing, glacier trekking, rafting, kayaking…  oh, just bring a beanie and thin gloves!  Make sure they are quick drying and easy to pack.  If you decide on the head net without the built-in hat, bring a ball cap so it doesn't rest on your face, better yet, buy one when you get here as an Alaska souvenir.

  10. Anti-itch stick and Small First Aid Kit - Bug bites itch, they itch so bad! They make everything not-so-fun.  Get the gel on them right away to stop the bad, bad itching.  Everyone should have a basic first aid kit. Use it for yourself or look like a travel hero and loan a band-aid to a rookie traveler.Packing for an Alaskan vacation requires a few extra items in order to enjoy our big backyard, but with a little planning you will be adventuring like a resident. Bring what you need so that you don't waste time provisioning when you get here.Disclaimer: This blog contains affiliate links to some products and experiences, including Amazon affiliate links. Keep in mind that we may receive a small commission when you click our links and make purchases. However, this does not impact the rate that you pay, nor does it affect our reviews and comparisons. We try our best to keep your travel goals in mind and chose products that will help you make the best choices for YOU on your trip-of-a-life-time!


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